Genesis 22:1-19
Abraham’s life was one of constant testing, and the results are inconsistent. There are times when he does great, and then there are other times when he fails badly. His faith walk, at times, seems more like stumbling along than walking.
All the while, God is faithfully keep and preserving Abraham in the middle of his stumbling and sin. But, now we see God administer the biggest test to Abraham, and the test comes down to love. God seeks to test Abraham to see whether he is going to value his son, his only, whom Abraham loves, more than God himself.
But there are so many questions that arise in our mind. Why this test? Why such a gruesome and gory way to test Abraham? Why did Abraham seem so willing to agree with this bloody test? Was God wrong to give this test? Was it even God’s voice that Abraham heard?
No matter what we think about the test itself, we see that Abraham did pass the test -- with flying colors. As we consider Genesis 22:1-19, lets take a deeper so that we can understand why God tests his people, God purpose in testing his people, and how we can be faithful to God in the middle of his tests -- so that we don’t hold anything back.