Contention, Contempt, and Hope
Whenever we read the Bible, we often take away points that we are to apply to our lives. Most often, this comes in the form of a command to living in a manner in accordance with the greatest command: to love God and love our neighbor as ourself.
However, sometimes we can read the Bible and the lessons come not from seeing great moral truths, but simply by observing faults and being exhorted not to do the same. That's the type of passage this is -- two brothers, both doing things that ought not to be done.
Along with this, we see that God's grace is often not in accordance with what we think is just, right, and fair, or even in line with what our culture tells us is right. This passage of Scripture also shows us that God is sovereign in whom he blesses. And if you heart and mind is not informed that this is God's prerogative alone, the grace and mercy of God can even come across as a scandal.
But to those whose hearts are apt to listen to the Bible, we see that God is the sovereign One who blesses at his will, according to his purposes. And it is a glorious mystery.