May I ask you a question? When you stand before God on judgement day, who is God going to hold responsible for the discipleship of your children? The Pastor? The Youth Pastor? The Sunday School teacher? May I ask you a slightly different question? What does God's word say about who is responsible for the discipleship of children?
Throughout the witness of Scripture, the parents are commanded to be the primary disciplers of their children (Gen 18:19; Deut 6:5-7, 32:46-47; Prov 3:1, 4:1, 10, 20; 5:1, 7; 6:20; 7:1; 13:24, 22:15, 29:15, 17; Ps 78:1-8; Eph 6:1-4; 2 Tim 1:5). Now, this does not mean that parents are the only disciplers, but the Bible is clear who should be primarily and consistently teaching and training the children: the parents.