First, we're glad you're here!
We hope you’ll join us this Sunday. Our service starts at 10:30 AM, and we'd be happy if you'd arrive early so we can get to know you better. If you aren’t able to attend in person, you can download the mobile app and view our streaming services here. Even though we have streaming services, we feel the same way as the apostle John when he said to the church when he hoped to talk face to face so that his joy would be complete (2 John 1:12). We look forward to seeing you!
Why do we meet in a hotel?
Fireside gathers for corporate worship on Sundays at The Country Inn and Suites in Elizabethtown. It is sometimes easy to forget that a church starts as a church plant. Many of them start without a building in which the church owns. Church plants often start in places such as public schools, hotels, civic centers, or other places where a group can gather and allow for sustained growth while saving for future facilities. Think of it is like a tree that can start out planted in a pot, but when it grows it will eventually be planted in the ground. We see the hotel as a gracious and God-given means by which Fireside can grow into maturity - and eventually a permeant facility.
Where should I park?
When you come to worship at Fireside, you will see there are two signs in the parking lot that direct you toward the entrance in the rear of the hotel. If you follow the signs, it will direct you toward the parking area that is closest to the main entrance. That being said, you are welcome to park anywhere in the parking of the hotel. If you walk through the main entrance of the hotel with the sliding double doors, then simply walk through the breakfast area and through the double doors to join us in the conference room where we worship.
How early should I arrive?
Worship service starts at 10:30 AM, however, Fireside would love to have time to welcome you, get to know you, and introduce ourselves to you. Our people love fellowship, enjoy hosting, and you are likely to get invited to dinner or coffee by someone at Fireside. If you arrive about 15 minutes early, then we'd be so grateful.
What about my children?
Fireside regularly has a nursery available for children 4 years old and under. For children 5 years and older, Fireside seeks to model a family-integrated worship where children are encouraged to worship Jesus alongside their parents. This approach allows the parents to model faithful worship to their children and allows them
How should I dress?
When it comes to what a person wears, the primary principle to consider from God's word is modesty (1 Timothy 2:9-10, 1 Peter 3:3-4, 5:5-6). So, the Bible is not so much concerned about exactly what you wear as much as what you wear is modest. The point would be Jesus first, clothes second. And one of the way that we model that Jesus is first is by dressing modestly to not put a stumbling block before our brothers or sisters (Romans 14:13; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 10:24). With that said, you can wear just about anything and fit right in at Fireside. Modesty allows for wearing a suit and tie, dresses, jeans, shorts, and all other combinations. What you choose to wear will depend more on your preference than anything else. If you have any questions, we'd be delighted to open God's word and discuss!