Genesis 6:1-22
The flood is one of the most significant events in the Old Testament, and not simply because of the size and scope of the disaster that it was. It was also significant because of the reason it was sent upon the earth. The flood shows us just how serious God deals with sin, and it should also show us how seriously we should be dealing with sin. Yet, even as God sends the torrents that cause the flood, he also saturates the earth with his mercy by giving humanity another chance.
When you think through the creation account in Genesis, in some ways we get a return to those opening chapters in that God calls the earth out from the waters and then populates the earth with creatures. After the flood, Noah is then called to be fruitful and multiply (Gen 9:1). We also get the affirmation that humanity still bears the image of God (Gen 9:6). This is, as it were, another chance for humanity after falling in the Garden of Eden. Noah represents a chance to succeed where Adam failed.
If Genesis 1-2 is the story of creation, then Genesis 6-9 and the flood is the story of de-creation, and fallen re-start. Genesis 6 will show us the purpose of judgement, the patience of judgement, and the promise through judgement.