Genesis 12:1-20

Nov 10, 2024    Jesse Stewart

The call of Abram came with three promises: land, offspring, and blessing. The text tells us that Abram obediently heeded God’s call and left for the land of Canaan. In this story of Abram, three aspects of the life of faith come to the fore: 1) The call of faith, 2) the weakness of faith, and 3) the promise of faith.

In Genesis 12, the call of faith comes at the great cost of discipleship. Following Jesus means “taking up your cross” and following him. Although Abram began “taking up his cross” well with immediate obedience to the Lord, he very quickly doubted God’s provision, engaged in deception, and discarded his wife. All this was to procure the provisions he ought to have trusted the Lord to provide. Abram’s faith was weak like the faith of God’s people can be weak, but although the faith of God’s people can be lacking, their trust is in a mightier savior. It is not the strength of faith that saves God’s people, but the object of faith that saves them.

In this Going Deeper, let’s dig deep into this morning’s message by examining Genesis 12 carefully.