Genesis 7-9

Oct 20, 2024    Wayne Luna

What is the focus of the flood narrative in Genesis 6-9? There is a lot going on -- the flood, the corruption of humanity, the judgement of sin, the ark that Noah is commanded to build ... but in all that, is there a focus the text seems to present?

Is Moses' main point recounting the history of the largest weather disaster in all human history? We read about the flood and be in awestruck -- and we should -- of just what is going on. Here we see a cataclysmic event! All flesh is killed by drowning from torrential rainfall and water bursting forth from the depths of the earth. In short, it is water judgement. So, we can look at Genesis 6-9 and think these chapters are about massive flood. 

Or, we can think the main point in Genesis 6-9 is the wrath of God. It boggles the mind when you think of the sheer number of people that died. Maybe the main point is the incredible loss of life, the severe judgement, the powerful storm and water that was the means of God's judgment came upon the "all flesh."

But let us not forget that the flood story is a carefully crafted, perfectly constructed account featuring intentional parallels. In other words, Moses didn't just sit down and try to write out what happened. The Spirit himself utilized the elite education Moses was afforded from the courts of Pharaoh himself and concussively wrote this account in a specific form that shows is the main point: God remembered Noah.

The account of Genesis 6-9 focuses on Noah as the kind of man who is saved out of a lost world. The Gospel shines forth, and we find out why God saved Noah.