Galatians 4:21-5:1

May 12, 2024    Jesse Stewart

In Galatians 4:21-5:1, Paul says that everyone in the world is divided into two kinds of children. You’re either a child of Hagar unto spiritual slavery, or you’re a child of Sarah unto freedom. And what kind of child you are will determine whether you receive God’s promise. In Galatians 4, Paul provides a symbolic interpretation of an Old Testament story to teach us that we are promised sons of Sarah, like Isaac. Paul calls this symbolic interpretation an “allegory,” which is a legitimate parallel drawn between two or more concepts in scripture - such as “mothers” and “covenants” in this text. Since, therefore, we are sons of the promise, we ought not seek to return to life under the old covenant law. A life under the law is a life of works-righteousness, slavery to sin, and certain condemnation on judgement day. Only through trusting God’s promised Son, like

Abraham trusted in God’s promise, can we receive a miraculous heavenly birth and experience God’s eschatological blessing.