Galatians 3:26-4:7

Apr 28, 2024    Jesse Stewart

According to Galatians, every Christian is a son of God. This means that how you relate to God has fundamentally changed. You have been given a new status, a new position, a new relationship with your creator. And that relationship is not characterized by slavery to sin anymore; it’s characterized by freedom and righteousness. So often, as Christians, we fail to experience the full freedom of our new status, because we misunderstand what it means to be a son of God. In this text, Paul shares with us what it means for you and I to be sons of the living God. If you have received Christ by faith, the Bible says you are a son of God, and that looks like 3 realities: First, it means you are in Christ. Second, it means you are heirs of the promise. And third, it means you have received the Spirit of Adoption. Being in Christ means that God sees us like he sees Jesus, clothed in Christ’s righteousness. Being heirs of the promise means that God grants us all the blessings spoken to Abraham and earned by Jesus. And receiving the Spirit means that God grants us his personal presence as a subjective witness to the objective redemption Christ secured for us on the cross. Each of these glorious realities are afforded to each of the sons of God and ought to shape our identity and how we relate to God and to one another.